ROBERT L. FARGO, P.G., C.P.G. - President
B.S. -Geology, Colorado State University
Post-Graduate Coursework - Hydrogeology and Environmental Science
University of Colorado – Boulder
California University of Pennsylvania

Registered Professional Geologist – Pennsylvania
Certified Professional Geologist - American Institute of Professional Geologists
Licensed Remediation Specialist – West Virginia

- Hydrogeology and Groundwater Contamination Investigations
- Phase I/Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
- Brownfields Redevelopment - Pennsylvania Act 2, Ohio VAP, West Virginia VRP
- Permitting/Regulatory Compliance
- Wellhead Protection


Mr. Fargo has more than 30 years of experience conducting geologic and hydrogeologic investigations and environmental assessments, typically involving the occurrence and movement of contaminants in environmental media, such as soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, and indoor air; evaluating the potential for adverse impacts to human and ecological receptors; and, developing risk management and corrective-action programs to fulfill state and federal regulatory requirements. 

Mr. Fargo has managed numerous groundwater contamination projects, involving organic and inorganic contaminants, non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL and DNAPL), and high-concentration dissolved plumes more dense than water.  He has designed and implemented Remedial Investigation/Feasibility  Studies (RI/FS) under CERCLA and similar state-level programs; developed groundwater monitoring programs under hazardous and solid waste management programs; and, completed site characterization, risk management, and remedial planning under Pennsylvania Act 2, the Ohio Voluntary Action Program, and the West Virginia Voluntary Remediation Program. 

Mr. Fargo has conducted or supervised Phase I Environmental Site Assessments under ASTM guidelines for dozens of commercial and industrial properties.  He has assisted clients in evaluating and establishing compliance under regulatory programs, such as RCRA, NPDES, UST, SPCC, EPCRA and stormwater management.  He also has assisted municipalities in the preparation of Wellhead Protection Plans for water supply wellfields in Pennsylvania.

Mr. Fargo also has provided expert testimony through deposition and hearing testimony regarding contaminant release and migration timeframes relating to applicability of insurance coverage, and alleged failures to meet standards of professional care under ASTM Phase I Environmental Site Assessment guidelines.

Geo Resource Group

Consulting in environmental and geological sciences

Geo Resource Group
(724) 344 - 9410

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